Adam Cumberland

Written on 10/09/2023
Trish Sprague

hypnotherapist, coach and speaker

Adam Cumberland, a highly skilled therapist whose unique approach has transformed the lives of countless individuals. With a dynamic blend of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), thought field therapy (TFT), and coaching, Adam offers a comprehensive toolkit to address a wide range of personal and professional challenges.

Adam's own challenges gave him the motivation to overcome his own barriers and become a beacon of transformation for others, which underscores his genuine empathy and understanding. He approaches each client with warmth and authenticity, creating an environment for personal growth and positive change.

A devoted husband and father, whose journey into the realm of human behavior was sparked by an insatiable curiosity about why we behave the way we do. He embarked on honing his skills to a remarkable level. Adam is sought after for his exceptional ability to conduct interventions that mend relationships and his mastery in communication.

His expertise has taken him to remarkable heights, where he's had the privilege of running seminars alongside renowned figures like Richard Bandler, the creator of NLP, and Paul McKenna. Adam's dedication to his craft and his commitment to helping individuals and couples get their lives back on track make him a truly remarkable therapist and communicator.

Adam has the ability to shift your perspective, instill confidence, and spark a determination to achieve your full potential. Adam has simple yet powerful approach: to help others shift their mindset, inspire personal growth, and lead fulfilling lives.

Whether you're seeking guidance in navigating relationships, overcoming personal hurdles, or mastering the art of effective communication, Adam's wealth of experience and his passion for helping others achieve their best selves make him as a possible companion on your journey for unlocking your potential and discovering the best version of yourself.

For App Members:

Adam's meditation will be accessible on our Iconic Inner Self app for our valued members usage.


Gratitude Meditation 
Motivation Meditation

Further Information
Check out Adam's website, which is full on great information.

Social Media - Facebook

Video Gallery with helpful videos